Unlock the Spectrum: Easy, Educational, and Engaging Analysis of Light Spectra
Unlock the Spectrum: Easy, Educational, and Engaging Analysis of Light Spectra
- lang_setting
A language for the application. Currently Deutsch for German and English (default) are implemented. Expects a character.
- lang_link
Only relevant for the App deployed on Shinyapps.io. Handles whether a link to the German/English Version of the App is present in the header. Expects a logical (default FALSE)
- color_palette
A color palette for the application. Currently
, and**Rainbow**
are implemented. Expects a*character*
. In terms ofcolor accuracy
, the decending order is likely**Dan_Bruton**
, and**Rainbow**
. However, all of them are wrong in the sense, that monochromatic light can not well be recreated with RGB colors. Look at the documentation for ColorP for more information about these palettes.- ...
Any other settings that get passed to shinyApp
if(interactive()) {
#try another language
if(interactive()) {
Spectran(lang_setting = "Deutsch")}
#or try another color palette
if(interactive()) {
Spectran(color_palette = "Dan_Bruton")}